We believe in the power of play and the beauty of craftsmanship. Our name, derived from “laro,” meaning “to play” in Tagalog, and “wan,” which translates to “play” in Chinese, embodies our commitment to joy, exploration, and cultural diversity. We believe that some of our happiest memories are rooted in childhood, where play is not only a source of joy but also a pathway to self-discovery and connection with others. It’s in childhood that we learn to share, explore our identities, and unleash our imagination and creativity without limits.
Our mission extends beyond offering exceptional products; we strive to create a community where storytelling, exploration, and positive impact come together. Through our partnerships with brands & small businesses making a difference in their communities, we aim to inspire and uplift both makers and customers alike.
Join us on a journey of discovery, celebration, and play at LAROWAN. Together, let’s embrace the artistry of handmade goods and the joy of shared experiences. Come check us out at Celebrate Lunar 2025 on Saturday!